Cold water plunge

From athletes to actors, bio-hackers to influencers, it seems everyone has litterally dove into cold water therapy (ie: cold showers, plunge pools, open water swims) for its variety of health benefits.

I first got into the ‘cold water’ thing when I lived in Vancouver (2016-2018). I would hit the ocean immediately after a long run, and let me tell you, it was cold (obvs!) but totally worth the short-term pain for longterm gain.

Some of the benefits of cold water therapy include:

  • Helps reduce inflammation, muscle soreness, tension

  • Speeds metabolism

  • Boots fat burning, particularly brown fat

  • Activates the vagus nerve

  • Promotes mental toughness, focus, concentration

  • Pushes the body into a controlled, stress-full state for greater resiliance


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